Sunday, July 05, 2015

How will career Intelligence (CIQ) help you ...

Career intelligence is a mindset of looking at achievement : a different style of behaviour arising out of an entirely different set of attitudes or from a different view of life. 

A signature of high CIQ individual can be defined by this maxim: " I can do what I want to do". Without succumbing to the urge of hasty action, he can also wait actively to do what he wants to do, be it in work-life, relationships, or in personal life. 

View of work-life: High CIQ individual sees work-life as a means to an end, as a means to achieve something in our life. He does not look at his job as a mechanism of earning money, prestige or security. For him work is an achievement. Money is just a byproduct.  He is curious about what he can do in work-life because it helps him express his capability. Because a high CIQ is mindful of his 'small' capacity to influence the 'results' in work-life, both work-life success and failure do not 'go in his head'. High CIQ individual understands both the advantages and disadvantages of working in a ' ready-made output system' like a company and can therefore adopt 'appropriate' practices to achieve his ends without 'sacrificing' anything.

View of relationships:  People are not means to an end. Low CIQ individuals use relationships to validate or to prove their worth. High CIQ individuals appreciate that not every relationship has the same objective. Some relationships are meant to produce happiness and 'Self-understanding', while some are meant to satisfy transactions. Low CIQ individuals seek good relations with people, high CIQ individuals seek good understanding of people. High CIQ individuals are 'sensitive' to timing, context, role and trust in a people-interactions while low CIQ individual will be sensitive only to the 'results' of interactions.

View of Personal life : High CIQ individual knows that a man's aspirations are not dug underneath 1000 feet, waiting to be 'dug out', but they in the open, constantly changing as he engages with the outside world. His 'needs and wants' change both due to success and failure in producing the desired results. High CIQ individuals know both the power of their Mind, as well as the weakness of their Mind. They therefore are aware of when to listen to their mind, when to overrule it. Even though Mind is inside him, a high CIQ individual is aware of the mystery of 'discovering' his Mind and uses all his options to fathom it.  

We are not born with low CIQ. Watch any baby and you will see the extraordinary learning capacity of a child. But something happens in the student life when we start fearing mistakes; where we are flooded with so much of nonsense, that we either start believing that world is unintelligible or that we are stupid; where we start doubting ourselves; where we chase higher marks and forget that we must be learning something.

Therefore despite having good IQ, we fare badly in CIQ because our learning is dissociated from reality. We learn to talk about problem of motivation without knowing why we are not motivated to go on the job on Monday, or change companies without being able to change ourselves, or urge oneself to take initiative while simultaneously penalising oneself for making mistakes.

The true test of CIQ is not how much we know what to do, but by how we behave when we we don't know what to do. High CIQ individuals may not necessarily earn higher income, win trophies, or break records. But they will definitely have a way of figuring out what they want and being able to go for it. They succeed in life, because they actively 'define' success.